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CATEGORY NO. 111/2010  &   69/2010 (NCA- LC)
EXAMINATION DATE :19/09/2012 Wednesday
TIME : 08.00 AM to 09.15 AM

Maximum Marks : 100
Duration: 1.15 Hours
Medium of Questions: English
Syllabus:  An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.

1. Discrete Structures
Sets, Relations, Functions. Pigeonhole Principle, Inclusion-Exclusion principle, Equivalence and 
Partial Orderings. Elementary Counting Techniques.

Computability : Models of computation - Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-determinism 
and NFA, DPDA and PDA s and Languages accepted by these structures. Grammars - types of 
grammars  -  type  0  , type  I,  type  2  and  type  3.  The  relationship  between  types  of  grammars,

Languages, Non-computability, Non-computable problems.
Groups : Finite fields and Error correcting / detecting codes.
Propositional logic. Predicate logic. Well-formed formulae (WFF). Satisfiability and Tautology.

   2. Computer    Arithmetic
Logic  families  :  TTL,  ECL  and  C-MOS  gates.  Boolean  algebra  and  Minimization  of  Boolean functions, Flip-flops- types, race condition and comparison, Design of combinational and sequential circuits.
Representation of Integers : Octal. Hex.  Decimal and Binary 2's complement and 1's complement arithmetic. Floating point representation.

3  .    Programming in C and C++
Programming in C : Elements of C - Tokens, identifiers, data types in C, Control constructs in C, Sequence, selection and iteration. Structured data types in C - arrays, structs, unions, strings and pointers.
Object-Oriented programming  Concepts : Class - object, instantiation, Inheritance -polymorphism and overloading, aggregation, abstract classes, generalization as extension and restriction. Object oriented design. Multiple inheritance
C++ - programming : Elements of C++ - Tokens, Identifiers, Variables and constants. Data types, Operators. Control statements, Functions, parameter passing, Class and objects, Constructors and destructors, Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception handling.

   4. Relational Database Design and Query Languages
E-R diagrams, Transformation of E-R models to relational design, Normalization - INF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and 4NF.
SQL  :  Data  Definition  Language  (DDL), Data  Manipulation  Language  (DML),  Data  Control Language (CDL) Commands. Database objects  like- Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, data dictionary, Embedded SQL, QBE 
Query  Processing  and  Optimisation,  Centralised  and  Distributed  Database,  Security,
Concurrency and Recovery in Centralised and Distributed Database Systems, Object Oriented Database Management Systems – Concepts, Composite objects, Integration with RDBMS applications.

5.     Data Structures and  Algorithms
Data,  Information. Definition of data structure, Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees,
graphs, priority queues and heaps. 
File Structures : Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative files. Hashing, inverted list and multi-lists, B-trees and B+ trees.
Graphs : Definition, walks, paths, connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and circuits. Tree and rooted tree, Spanning trees, Eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of a graph, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs. Planar graphs.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Interpolation and Binary Search.
Asymptotic notations -  big oh. omega and theta. Average case analysis of simple programs
like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion. Quick sort.
Design of Algorithms (Divide and Conquer. Greedy method. Dynamic programming. Back
tracking. Branch and Bound).

6.     Data Communication and Computer Networks
Data Communication : Analog and Digital transmission. Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission. Transmission media. Multiplexing and Concentration, Switching techniques. Polling. Channel capacity.  Transmission media - twisted pair, coaxial cables, fibre-optic cables,  wireless  transmission-  radio,  microwave  and  infrared  waves.  Light  wave transmission. Telephones - local loop, trunks, multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband  ISDN.  ATM,  High  speed  LANs.  Cellular  Radio,  Communication  satellitesgeosynchronous and low-orbit.
Reference Models : The OSI model,  TCP/IP model. Topologies, Networking Devices. Protocols for - (i) Data link layer (ii) Network layer, and (iii) Transport layer, TCP/IP protocols, Networks security, Network administration. Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN). Wireless Networks, Inter Networks.
Internetworking  :  Switch/Hub.  Bridge.  Router.  Gateways.  Concentrated  virtual  circuits. Tunnelling, Fragmentation. Firewalls.

Routing : Virtual circuits and datagrams. Routing Algorithms. Congestion control.
Network Security : Cryptography - public key, secret key, Domain Name System (DNS) - Electronic Mail  and  World  Wide  Web  {WWW).  The  DNS,  Resource  Records.  Name  servers.  E-mail architecture and E-mail Servers.

   7.   System software and Compilers.

Assembly  language  fundamentals  (8085  and  8088  based  assembly  language  programming). Assemblers - 2-pass and single-pass.  Macros and  macro processors.
Loading, linking, relocation, program  relocatability.  Linkage editing.Text editors, Programming  Environments. Debuggers and program generators.Compilation and Interpretation. Bootstrapping. Phases of compilation. Lexical analysis. LEX. Context free grammars. Parsing and parse trees. Representation of parse trees and  rightmost and
leftmost derivations, Bottom up parsers - shift-reduce. operator precedence and LR. YACC. Top down parsers - left recursion and its removal. Recursive descent parser. Predictive parser. Intermediate codes - Quadruples,  Triples. Indirect Triples. Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code optimization.

   8.     Operating Systems
Main functions of operating systems. Multiprogramming, multiprocessing and  multitasking. Memory management ; Virtual memory, paging, fragmentation.Concurrent processing : Mutual exclusion. Critical regions, lock and unlock.
 Scheduling :  CPU scheduling.  I/O Scheduling. Resource scheduling. Deadlock and scheduling algorithms. Banker's algorithm for deadlock handling. 
The Unix system  :  File system, process management. Bourne shell, shell  variables, command line programming.
Systems Calls :  Creat, open, close, read,  write. Iseek, link, unlink, stat, fstat, umask, chmod, exec, fork, wait, system.

9.   Software  Engineering
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) : Steps, Water fall model. Prototypes, Spiral model.
Software Metrics ; Software Project Management.
Software Design : System design. detailed design. function oriented design, object-oriented design, user interface design. Design level metrics.
Coding and Testing : Testing level metrics. Software quality and reliability. Clean room approach, software engineering
   10.     Computer Graphics
Display systems. Input devices, 2D  Geometry - .Algorithms for drawing primitives, clipping and windowing, windows, view ports, Graphic operations for transformations , 3D Graphics. Animation, Graphics standard. Applications.Storage Devices, Input Tools. Authoring Tools, Application, Files.

11.  Programming Language Theory
Programming language concepts, paradigms, models.
Data. Data types, Operators,  Expressions. Assignment. Flow of Control - Control structures, I/O structures. I/O statements, User-Defined and built-in functions. Parameter passing.Principles,  classes,  inheritance,  class  hierarchies,  polymorphism,  dynamic  binding,  reference semantics and their implementation.
Principles,  functions,  lists,  types  and  polymorphism,  higher  order  functions,  lazy  evaluation, equations and pattern matching. Principles, horn clauses and their execution, logical variables, relations, data structures, controlling the search order, program development in Prolog, implementation of Prolog, example programs in Prolog.

12.  Current Trends and Technologies
The topics of current interest in Computer Science and Computer Applications shall be covered. The experts shall use their judgement from time to time to include the topics of popular interest which are expected to be known by an ardent follower of the field. Currently, they include :

Parallel computing
Parallel virtual Machine (PVM) and message passing interface (MPI) libraries and calls. Advanced architectures. Today's fastest computers
Mobile Computing
 Mobile connectivity - Cells. Framework, wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile information  access  devices,  mobile  data  internetworking  standards,  cellular  data  communication protocols, mobile computing applications. Mobile databases - protocols, scope, tools and technology.

Electronic Commerce : Framework, Media convergence of Applications, Consumer Applications,Organisation applications.

Electronic Payment Systems : Digital Token, Smart Cards, Credit Cards. Risks in Electronic Payment System, Designing Electronic Payment Systems.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) : Concepts, Applications, (Legal, Security and Privacy) issues. EDI  and  Electronic  Commerce.  Standardisation  and  EDI.  EDI  Software  Implementation.  EDI Envelope for Message Transport, internet-based EDI.

Data Warehousing : Data Warehouse environment, architecture of a data warehouse methodology, analysis, design, construction and administration. 

Data  Mining  :  Extracting  models  and  patterns  from  large  databases, data  mining  techniques, classification,  regression,  clustering,  summarization,  dependency  modelling,  link  analysis, sequencing analysis, mining scientific and business data. Principles of parallelism, co routines, communication and execution, Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and Message Passing Interface (MPI) routines and calls. Parallel programs in PVM paradigm as well as MPl paradigm for simple problems like matrix multiplication.

NOTE:  -  It  may  be  noted  that  apart  from  the  topics  detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the
question paper.

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