(CATEGORY NO. 94/2011 & 96/2011)
Anatomical and histological aspects of skeletal system, muscular system,
joints, Thorax, Respiratory system, Heart, Vascular System, Lymphatic System,
Digestive System, Urinary System, Respiratory System, Nervous System, Endocrine
System, Skin and Tissues.
Blood-composition and functions, respiratory system, Digestive system,
cardiovascular system, renal system, endocrinology, reproductive system, muscle and
nerve, nervous system, skin and temperature regulation.
Units of measurements, laboratory glasswares, cleaning of glasswares,
laboratory safety, laboratory hazards, first aid, expressing concentrations of solutions,
grades of chemicals, purification of water, buffer systems, balance, centrifuge,
calibration of glasswares, primary and secondary standards, Collection and
preservation of biological specimens, colorimetry, spectrophotometry, flourimetry,
nephalometry, flame photometry, radioisotopes. Physical chemistry - osmosis,
diffusion, dialysis, Donnan-membrane equilibrium, viscosity, colloids, emulsions.
Basic knowledge about the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, lipids,
nucleic acid, vitamins, minerals, haemoglobin, prophyrins, enzymes, acid-base
balance, nutrition, hormones. Function tests - liver, kidney, gastro intestinal,
pancreas, gonadal, feto-placental, thyroid function tests. Lipid profile , analysis of
calculi, electrophoresis, chromatographic techniques.
CSF analysis ,urine qualitative and quantitative analysis, Bence Jones Protein
urine metabolite -VMA & 5- HIAA and gastric juice analysis. Quality control programme and automation in a clinical biochemistry laboratory.
Estimation of various parameters present in the blood ( glucose, urea, cholesterol,
uric acid, creatinine ,phosphorous, calcium, electrolytes, Bilirubin ) samples and their
normal values and interpretations, GCT, GTT, Glycosylated haemoglobin. Clinical
enzymology - ALP, ACP, Amylase, AST, ALT, LDH, CK (activity determination,
normal values, Interpretations etc).
2. . Microbiology
General Microbiology General Microbiology
History of microbiology, laboratory safety. Microscopy - compound, dark ground, fluorescent and electron microscope. Sterilization and disinfection - different agents and technique used. Staining techniques - Gram's, Acid fast & other special staining techniques. Morphological classification of bacteria, culture media, composition & preparation of media, culture technique, biochemical tests used for identifying bacteria, a study of medically important bacteria, processing clinical specimen for diagnosing infections, serological tests for diagnosis of infections, antibiotic susceptibility tests.
Medically important protozoan and helminthic parasites and important protozoa,
nematodes, cestodes and trematodes their morphology, life cycle and laboratory diagnosis.
Different techniques used for the laboratory diagnosis of intestinal protozoan infections,
Trichomoniasis, malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, filariasis , intestinal helminthic
infections etc.
A brief study of common medically important fungi & their infections. Common contaminant
fungi. Morphological study - KOH preparation, Lacto phenol cotton blue, slide culture, culture
media - composition and preparation of Sabouraud's dextrose agar.
Virology - Structure of viruses, DNA & RNA viruses, cultivation of viruses, common viral
infections and laboratory diagnosis of infections.
Immunology - Antigen, Antibody , Antigen-Antibody reactions - agglutination, precipitation,
ELISA,IF and common serological techniques for diagnosing microbial infections
3. Pathology
Haematology - Composition of blood, development of blood cells. Normal and
abnormal blood cell morphology, functions and identification. Haemoglobin -
function, normal and abnormal haemoglobins and estimation. Anaemia, Leukemia,
blood coagulation factors and mechanism of coagulation, disorders of coagulation,
anticoagulants, collection of specimens, RBC, WBC, platelets and absolute eosinophil
count, DC, ESR, PCV, osmotic fragility, Romanowsky stain ,supra vital staining ,
reticulocyte count, red cell indices ( MCV, MCH, MCHC, CI). Bone marrow smear
and staining. Peroxidase, PAS staining and Perl's staining and their significance.
Blood parasites identification, LE cell preparation and identification. Blood
coagulation studies and disorders of coagulation ( BT, CT, PT, PTT & TT ).
Automatic blood cell counter.
Clinical Pathology - Urine - normal and abnormal constituents, physical, chemical
and microscopic examination, stool examination for parasites, sputum examination,
semen analysis, pregnancy test, CSF examination, examination of other body fluids.
Histotechnology - Introduction to histology. Reception of specimen, fixation,
decalcification, processing of specimens (dehydration, clearing, infiltration and
embedding). Microtomes and cutting of sections, staining and mounting
(haemotoxylin & Eosin staining, PAS, Reticulin, VanGieson, Verhoeffs, Masson
trichrome). Processing of frozen sections, Histokinet, Cryostat.
Blood banking - ABO and other blood group system Rh system. Antigen antibody
reactions in immune haematology. Anticoagulants used in blood bank. Preparation of
grouping sera. Grouping and Rh typing of blood, screening of donors, collection,
preservation and storage of blood. Compatibility test in blood transfusion,
serological tests on donor blood. Transfusion reactions, transmission of diseases by
blood transfusion. Component separation.
Cytology - Important applications of cytology, collection of various specimens and
preparation of smear, cell blocks, cytospin, cytological fixatives Papanicoloau's
staining, Shorr's staining, identification of normal and abnormal smear, FNAC.
Cytogenetics - Buccal smear preparation, staining and Barr body identification.
Karyotyping - chromosome identification, abnormal chromosomes and chromosome
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions
from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may
also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.
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