(CATEGORY NO.688/2012, 689/2012 & 656/2012)
1 Uses of Instrument Box, board, Tee-square, set square, protractors and other
instrument used for survey drawing, their types and uses.
2 printing letters and figures by different methods of inking of letters using
stencil, colouring.
3 scales -different types, their principle method of construction and
reading calculating least count.
4 Geometrical constructions lines, angles ,triangles, conic sections,
quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, ellipse, parabola & hyperbola
5 Surveying -their classification, plane, survey, geodetic survey, different
purpose of survey, instruments used in survey, Nature of surveyors work -
importance of system. Accuracy and speed in field and office work, Common
terms and definitions used in surveying conventional signs used in field book
and survey maps,.uses of Legends, linear measuring instrument based by
surveyors, their description and uses, types of chain.
6 chain survey and principles location of points-off- sets and instrument used
for the same, their descriptions testing of the chain, tape, cross staff and
optical square.
7 Procedures in conducting chain survey-preliminary steps -conditions to be
satisfied by survey lines.
8 Field book types -methods of entry of check lines -its importance.
9 Location of details-types off-sets and their limit-town survey traversing with
chain procedure in plotting chain lines skeleton, its check and filling in
10 Measurements on undulated sloppy ground types of obstacles in chaining
and method of overcoming them. Care and maintenance of chain and its
accessories .
11 Errors in chain survey and their remedies, problems in chain survey-
degree of accuracy required in chain survey and its relevant to field work
In field work-procedure in inking and colouring.
12 Use of magnetic needle in survey works-types of compasses -
description, constructional features and uses measurement of
13 Technical terms used in compass survey, difference between angles and
bearings-magnetic and true meridians-declination and its variations, local
attraction, its detection, and elimination.
14 Method of locating details by bearings, method of survey with compass
-traversing Methods. Methods of determining true meridians and
declination- methods of plotting closed compass traverse- adjustment
of closing errors-limit of precision required field book entries.
15 Relaying of old service errors in compass survey. Testing and
adjustment of compass.
16 Plane table survey advantage and dis-advantages of plane table survey-
equipment in plane table surveying, general instruction for plane table
17 Methods of plane tabling-radiation-intersection-traversing -resection.
18 Two point and three point problems triangles of error and its
elimination -Lehman's rule - mechanical and graphical method.
19 Errors in plane tabling and their elimination instruments used in combination
with plane tabling, their construction and use.
20 Tangent clinometers (Indian pattern clinometer), telescopic alidade.
21 Survey maps -care and maintenance at plane table accessories,
procedure of plane tabling.
22 levelling survey-the level parts, kinds -types of levels cook's reversible level
and dumpy level-their construction and parts -types of diaphragm. Types of
levelling staff, their description and use -technical terms used in levelling.
23 Permanent adjustment of various levelling instrument, repeating the
same with precautions.
24 Methods of observation ,booking and reduction of levels, forms of levels,
forms of field books for levelling and methods of entry rules for checking up
readings and calculation. Reciprocal levelling -effect of earth's curvature and
refraction in levelling. Common sources of error in levelling and their
elimination -degree of accuracy in levelling. Introduction to contour.
25 Working out problems on field book reduction, reciprocal levelling and
permanent adjustment.
26 Classification of levelling staffs. Purpose of sectioning consideration of
distance between points , precautions.
27 Steps in plotting section -selecting of scales -factors affecting deflection of
formation level -prismoildal formula and its application, calculation of earth
28 Construction and uses of boning rods and ghat tracer.
29 Types of surveys for the location of a road , points to be considered during
reconnaissance, preliminary and final location surveys. Alignment of roads -
relative importance of length of road height of embankment and depth of
cutting -road gradients-sub grades and road foundations, drainage camber
curves and supper elevation, road surface ,such as earth road, water bound
macadam cement contrete payment.
30 Introduction to theodolite- Temporary adjustment of theodolite-procedure in
setting up- methods of measurement of horizontal angles -repetition and
reiteration systems.
31 General forms of field notes used in theodolite surveys-adjustment of errors
while laying a given angle by repetition. Method of setting out straight lines
establishing lines at given angles lines.
32 Instrumental errors and-elimination-permanent adjustments of
theodolite care and maintenance of theodolites.
33 Method running traverses-different methods of angles and bearings.
34 Methods of plotting traverses - checking of measurements of closed and
open traverse use of traverse table closing errors and its adjustment.
35 Omitted measurements and their calculation -practice in working our
36 Technical terms in connection with simple triangulation - base line
measurements and its correction- procedure of measuring angles -methods of
calculating sides forms triangulation, data check, errors and precautions.
37 Methods of calculating area of a closed traverse from co-ordinates.
distances-box sextant, its description and use. Abney's level and its
39 Topographic survey and principle-instrument and accessories used in
topographic survey- contours and their characteristics.
40 Vertical intervals horizontal equivalents methods of determining
counters- comparison of different methods and their application.
41 Interpolation of contours by different methods and preparing contours maps
-preparation of field record for topographic surveys-height book-height
tracing and colour trace.
42 Different methods of finding area of irregular figures-planimeter-its
principle, construction, use of precautions -working out problems of areas
by using planimeter enlarging and reducing of plans, use of proportions,
compass and pantogtraph and their parts.
43 Irrigation:- types of supply of water-rain fall catchment areas ,run off over
best site for construction a reservoir, water spread area factors affronting
the consideration of the height of dam and capacity of reservoir
44 Working problems on simple curves by chain and tape offset method and
successive by section of arch.
45 Compound curves working problems on compound curves and types of
transition curves.
46 Different types of vertical curves and its working problems .Parts of
pantagraphs and planimeter with their uses.
measurement in triangle and offset system. Method of fixing survey maps
on boundaries.
48 Astronomical surveying introduction. Definition of spherical triangle.
Astronomical triangle observation of sun and stars. Calculation for Azimuth
and time. Coordinate system and its conversion of mean solar time into side
real time or vice versa. Determination of the meridian and Azimuth
49 Procedure in typing field numbers, printing names and inter setting
topogrphical details in maps.
50 Comparison of field and village boundaries and side measurements
procedures to prepare of transfer paper and transfer drawings-
Lithography-incography Vandyke process cordography.
51 Convergence of meridian- substance bar and use.Grossery of terms.
52 Compulation of latitudes and azimuth, soloution of spherical triangles -
computation of spherical triangles,, values of village tri-junction, maps -
projection methods of reducing values of points from one origin to other
.Land laws & rules.
53 What is computer? General terms used in computer. MS-Word and their
uses. M S Office. Operating System Software, window command and their
uses. Auto CAD Command and use .of different menus of Auto CAD
54 Types of bonds, English bond, Flemish bonds, Tee joints, wall junctions,
stone masonry, random rubble, coarsed and Aslar stone masonry, type of
Arch, king post and queen post, doors & windows RCC simple beams and
55 Glossary terms of building construction and building materials,
56 Glossary terms of roads irrigation
57 Estimating & costing for a simple building in details and specification for
different works
58 Total station survey- Study of the instrument- temporary adjustment-
calculation of distance, area, volume, stake out etc
1 Conventional signs and symbols asper BIS Bricks characteristics of good
bricks, hollow bricks and manufacture of bricks.
2 Tiles, terracotta, stone wate and earthen ware, Sand types,
characteristics, cement, lime.
3 Introduction: Sequence of construction of a building. Names of different
parts of building. Bricks masonry - principles of construction of bonds. Tools
and equipment used. Scaffolding.
4 Stone masonry, terms used, principles of construction, classification,
composite masonry and strength of walls. Timber: Structure - Indian
timber uses.
5 Foundation: Purpose, causes of failure of foundation, bearing capacity of
soils, dead and live loads, examination of ground. Types of foundation.
Drawing of footing foundation, setting out of building on ground
excavation, shorting & simple machine foundations.
6 Dampness in building and damp proof course. Method of prevention of
dampness in building. Mortar - types, proportion& mixing. Plastering &
pointing. White washing & distempering.
7 Arches - technical terms- brick and stone centering -lintel, various
forms and sizes
8 Carpentry joints- terms, classification of joints.
9 Plumbing- common hand tools- description and use, plumbing
10 Window and ventilators: including steel windows ventilators and
curtain walls - fixtures and fastenings used in doors, windows and
11 Roof: Pitched roof types, roof covering, and component parts of roof.
Theory of truss, King and queen post trusses
general Principles of construction of masonry & RCC
13 Method and find out quantities for a single storied residential building.
14 Safety precautions & elementary first aid- carpenter's hand tools, their
names, screws, hinges, dowels etc. Preparation of glue & putty. Grinding &
sharpening of tools. Their care & maintenance. Use of different types of
joints. Properties and uses of different timbers used in construction work.
15 Details of diferent bonding wall and section according to BIS
16 Introduction: Chain surveying principles
17 Instruments employed, use, care & maintenance. Field problems. Field book
plotting. Introduction to plane table survey. Instruments employed, use, care
& maintenance. Prismatic compass, Planimeter and pentagraph.
18 Instruments and accessories - their uses and description level book.
Differential levelling. Application of chain and levelling to building
construction. Plotting, preparation of contour computing earth work by spot
level and contours. Setting out work.
19 Road: Introduction to roads, general principlesof alignment.
Classification and construction of different types of roads.
20 Indian Railways - their gauges, construction of permanent ways. Different
rail sections. Use of stone ballast in railways track. Use and types of
sleepers, types of signals, fixtures & fastening in Railway Tracks including
base plates and fishplates
21 Bridges: Introduction to bridges, component parts of a bridge.
Classification of culverts (IRC). Bridges types, location of a bridge.
Tunnels rules used for the sizes of different members.
22 Introduction of Water Resources Engineering: Definition of terms used in
irrigation. Hydrology like duty delta, intensity of irrigation. Hydrograph,
peak flow, runs off, catchments area CCA, crops like, Rabi, Kharif etc.
Storage/diversion head works definitions: Types of Dam Masonry, concrete
& Composite Dams, gravity Dam, Arch and Buttress Dams, Earth and Rock
fill dams. Reservoir - types of reservoir viz., single purpose and
multipurpose area/capacity curves of Reservoir Canals: Canals,
classification of canals and distribution system, canal structures viz. Head
Regulators, canal outlet, escape, etc. drawing of canal alignment including
longitudinal and cross sections of canals eith the given data, types of cross
drainage works viz. aqueducts, Super passage, Syphon Aqueducts syphon
super passage, level crossing, Irrigation, Culvert- Inlets and Outlets, General
Description, Element of Water power development and Various civil
engineering structure of Hydro - Electric Schemes, ie, fore bay penstock,
Turbines, power house etc. Types of water supply system and purification
23 Introduction to RCC uses, materials proportions and rorm work, including
bending of bars and construction reference to BIS code. Reinforced brick
work. Materials used for RCC, construction selection of materials course
aggregate, fine aggregate cement - water, reinforcement, characteristics.
Method of mixing concrete - hand and machine, Slump test
24 Forms of rivets, proportions. Types of riveted joints
25 Introduction to structural drafting. Arrangements of drawing, Standard
drawing practice to represent thread, nuts, bolts and structural steel sections.
Reference to BIS code. Type designs.
26 Building Estimating: Types of estimate, standard method of taking out
quantity, labour & material detailed & abstract estimate. Analysis of
rates for simple items of work. Schedule of rates, specifications
27 Knowledge about Architectural Desk top and creating modelling
General Knowledge
Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate- Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites -Etc
Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and Planning-Etc
History of India-Period from 1857 to 1947 National Movement-
Current Affairs
Important World, National and Regional Events related to the Political and Scientific
fields, Sports, Cinema and Literature etc.
Facts-about Kerala
Geographical Facts- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites – Etc.
Renaissance of Kerala
Important Events/Movements/Leaders:- Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi,
Chattampi Swami, Sree Narayana Guru, Vagbhatananda, Thycaud Ayya, Ayya
Vaikundar, Poikayil Yohannan (Kumara Guru), Ayyankali, Pandit Karuppan,
Mannathu Padmanabhan, V.T.Bhattathirippad, Dr Palpu. Kumaranasan, Vakkom
Moulavi, Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara Etc
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.
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